Thursday, September 11, 2008



Ok before I set about expressing my views on the above topic, I’ve a confession to make [since I wanted to be on the safer side so that my blog “readers” {read judges!!} won’t have the opportunity to say ‘ dude this guy is just trying to be Karan Thappar!!]

I do not follow politics closely, be it state-level or national level or college-level! Anyway being a citizen of Namma Bengaluru, I was thinking why not pen my thoughts in my [Full-time] free time about certain events happening in and around my beloved city. Just yesterday, the BSY government celebrated its 100th day of governance! What’s wrong in that, one may ponder. Now I’d like to clarify, I am neither a supporter of BSY nor a skeptic of the HDK government. Frankly, it makes no difference to an average [above or below as the case may be] Joe like me. Yesterday I was going through the newspaper and in the very second [and the following] page, was a picture of our beloved BSY clad in crisp white shirt and white pants [which made him look like a retired cab driver!] proudly grinning and claiming the achievements of his 100 day old baby [read government]. As if to bring the reader back to stark reality after reading the astonishing[!] achievements of the BSY baby, in the very next page was a picture of a million mindless heads led our mindless former chief minister, son of even more mindless Devegowda, HDK staging a protest against the failures of the present government somewhere in the middle of city which inevitably put commuters to severe hardship. As I was reading the report, I began to wonder if our HDK ever gave a thought to the people who went through the, as it is, never ending traffic problems? Did his protests improve the city? Why couldn’t he give an interview on TV9 [!] or go on Radio City and spread his message across the city? It’s appalling that our politicians resort to such senseless tactics to defame the opposition party. It’s even more disgusting that an inefficient and corrupt former CM points a finger at his whether-or-not-corrupt opponent. HDK’s one achievement, by far, has to be the simple luncheon at a humble farmer’s place in a remote village! Now forget about what present or past government has achieved. Put all the facts and figures aside because ,we citizens, for a fact know that we won’t see any improvement in most aspects of the city any time soon. If we just put our thinking caps on, we’ll realize that it’s not the failure on part of the system. But rather it’s the failure on part of the people who run the system. Even in the year 2008, when most cities abroad contemplate on some major issues such as hosting Formula One street races or hosting the next Olympics, we’re still greeted by the ubiquitous pot holes in any part of the city’s roads. Something which is rarely seen or never heard of by citizens in other parts of the world. Here, people’s homes get flooded during the monsoon. Notorious cab drivers play havoc on road with their lack of any traffic sense. We lack the basic infrastructure for a city the size of Bangalore. The list is never ending. To add to our woes, our politicians contemplate on banning drinking and smoking in public places [Not that I have a problem with that!] and how can I forget, a ban on night life! Sigh!!

Now I may be the millionth person to complain about the shortfalls of our city. But that will do no good anyway. Anyway we bengaloorians must adopt the American motto,” In god we trust” hoping at least god will make our city a better place to live in or stick to our good old “ Swolpa adjust madi saar!”


Kapila Pande said...

hehehe...dude i probably dont even follow politics as much as you...i was kind of wondering what you were going on about...but it sorta all made a vague kind of way...all hail politics...bow down to portly corrupt ministers...jai hind!

Vishwas said...


As a matter of fact, I don't follow politics at all! Well I was just reading the newspaper and this picture caught my eye so I read the whole snippet! So I thought why not pen my thoughts on it! I wanted to go on and on but then I realized there was no point really! First I know noone would read my blog and Second, nothing would change no matter what! So I took a detour!

Kapila Pande said...

true true...the whole thing about one voice can make a difference is complete b*llsh*t in my would take many many millions of opinions to change anything...and even then i doubt there'd be any change...keep writing man!

Vishwas said...

Hey Aparna, thanks for bumping into my profile! Hope you like it!