Saturday, September 6, 2008

Journey of life

I’ve no clue where to start or how to start. But I’ll try anyway. The journey so far has been eventful. Although it has never been an easy one. That’s the beauty of it all. Looking back at things that have happened, it seems like it was destined to happen.

The outcome hasn’t been what was expected. In fact quite far from it I must confess. And yet there is this frisson to it all. We’re human beings. The most complex living beings ever to walk the face of the earth. The more we try to understand the person we love the most, the more bewildered we become. And when we try hard and fail to come to a conclusion, we begin to face problems. Mostly emotional problems. This is because we have a sense of attachment to the ones we love. When we don’t succeed in establishing a tangible name to the sense of attachment the problems become grave. I’ve tried real hard to understand the ones that I love with the whole of my heart but with not much success. There are times when we spend some of the most memorable times of our lives. And as expected, we also go through some of the worst times of our lives, whatever the reason maybe. Sometimes the pain of losing a person is so excruciating that we cry. We shed tears because the pain cannot be taken away by anyone. The absence of a person makes us realize how much we really need their presence in our lives. But life is a bottomless pit until we die. And in this pit in which we are constantly being pulled toward death, we find people who steal our hearts. We find people who love us and are loved. We find people who become our source of strength and a pillar of support. We find people who inspire us. People who mean so much to us. Life is like a Rubik's cube. Most of us barely manage to restore the composite faces of the cube to a single color in time. The people we come across in our lives are like the composite faces of the cube. Rarely of the same kind. The goal is to restore each face to a single color. That never happens in our lives. People go their own ways. The force that unites and binds us is susceptible to weaken. Who’s to be blamed? It’s nobody’s fault. You love a person for what they are. You love a person because you see yourself in that person. That inevitably brings joy and happiness. That brings out the best in us. A lot of people talk about love. Only a few know what love truly is. Love is a journey through time and space. Perhaps the greatest emotion occurs when you love a person and are loved in return. On the contrary the most painful emotion occurs when your love is unrequited. It’s that simple. Sometimes the best thing one can do is just let change take charge of our lives. Sometimes not doing anything is also a solution. In the end, in my quest for the meaning of life, I have failed to distill the meaning of life and love. But that hasn’t really stopped me from searching. It never will.


Kapila Pande said...

hmmm...very thought provoking this. but try and not put so much of urself into ur posts - what i mean is - anyone who reads this would feel that you have just gone through some kind of emotional/love related trauma which is making you write this way - i dont know if that was the purpose of this post but it might have let out alot more about you than you intended to write. maybe im wrong

Vishwas said...


Believe it or not I asked myself while I was writing this if I should generalize or not! but then I felt talking about these things through my view or my perception is the best way I can ease things for myself. Anyway thanks for the comment but I felt it was ok since I know not many people are bothered to read junk!!

Vishwas said...

well someone told me that my blogs are irrelevant and crap and that I was seeking sympathy! The truth is simple! I just wanted to try my hand at writing! Period! Man little did I imagine my silly blog would provoke such reactions from people! phew!

Kapila Pande said...

well people have their own perceptions of things. who are we to change that. take such things in your stride - atleast people are reading your work and getting jealous of the fact that you are getting attention! your writing is a hit because its provoked negative comments - people who only say good stuff about someones work are either faking or they havent actually read the stuff. keep writing

Vishwas said...


Hahaha well again I don't enjoy seeking attention from anyone! Anyway doesn't really matter when such comments come from people I don't care about. Looking forward to write more stuff and piss more people off! lol

Vinay Ele said...
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Vinay Ele said...

dude..i have known ya for quite sometime.I completely had u talking it out when i was reading it. Its amazing the way u have put urself in! i see the very purpose of writing is VIEW n THOUGHTS and you have done it in your own way,by letting out wat U THINK. It was an interesting post. i am not into too much of these.said wat i felt like.n i totally agree wit u wen u say u can ease things up for yourself.don think much bout wat others say.keep it going.

Vishwas said...


Thanks for the comment! Plus some people think I'm Heath ledger or kurt cobain! lol can you imagine how limit their minds are! I mean their sense of comparison sucks big time!lol its ok never mind about them. Well blogging just happened about a week ago. I never thought about blogging all these years! I was just going through a friend's blog and I was instantly interested, though it wasn't the first time I read a blog!!Its funny when people say that I'm trying to glorify things up!!!Anyway I've resolved not to react to such comments. It won't take me anywhere!

Ketan said...


I really found your analogy of finding love being equivalent to sort back the colors of a Rubic cube, though I'm not sure if my interpretation of the analogy is consistent with what you intended to convey. Well, which being people try to see others they want to see them so they could love them! Right? Yes, I agree this happens to a great degree, but as we grow and nature and learn to accept ourselves and also the unadulterated truth on that abount, we develop greater courage to be objective about people's nature. Some learn develop this courage early in life, some late and some never. Well, of course that's what I think.

Nice to see you writing in elegant English and not resorting to grammarless linguistic junk that people consider 'kewl'.

With regard to readers flaming though I don't know you personally, I'd like to tell, one can choose to criticize others, but the mode used, and whether its commensurate or not with the quality of subject or lack, more often speak louder about the critic and their intentions.

Incidentally, I'd written a blog called 'Journey called life', but on a very different issue. And written a short-story, 'Residua' and a poem--'Desert river in a sinister spring' that revolve around love.

Well written!


Ketan said...

BTW, I forgot to tell you, you'll find very good elaboration on why we love who we love in books by Ayn Rand that I've read--'The Fountainhead' and 'Atlas Shrugged'. But the only problem is they're extremely big, and not at all mystery-suspense kind. They're highly philosophical, with very precise use of language. Many found them boring (the former will take more than 25 hours of reading, and latter--more than 60 hours, of course depending upon your reading speed, but those are anyway conservative estimates--one could end up taking much longer!). Also, the problem is both books begin on an unexciting note, so it's very tempting to just put them down! But once you progress into the story, I believe, they'll be able to engage your interest.

But the most interesting part is they're not about love! Love is just a part of the stories. I'll VERY HIGHLY recommend those books to you. And am sorry, if you've already read them, or tried to but found them uninteresting!


Vishwas said...


I shall try to look for them around book shops here. Well I take my own sweet time to read books which look voluminous! But I finish them nonetheless!