Sunday, September 7, 2008


I am shocked and amazed at some people's insecurities! Some people have actually taken what's written on my, what I consider unimportant, blog seriously! I had no idea my "blog" would be so scornfully and critically reviewed and be [mis]judged! Oh and one more thing, I'm no Heath Ledger nor am I Kurt Cobain! Its only jerks who have come to conclusions about my blogs!!I hereby would like to caution my blog readers [judges] not to take any of the posts seriously and I certainly am not interested in your criticism or words of appreciation [ I hope I don't sound snobbish in saying the latter!!] The fact of the matter remains that I'm just trying my hand at writing!! Seems like I've provoked more unpleasant reactions than Salman Rushie or Taslima Nasreen have over their long and eventful career as authors! So go ahead and read my blog if you have fully understood the terms and conditions! Else, piss off!


tropical seagull said...

that's the way champ! you're finally on the boat now! life ahoy!!

Kapila Pande said...

stupid pansy and his stupid comments...why oh why are u letting the haters get to u (by putting up this disclaimer they must be thinking woohoo we got him - he sounds a tad bit frustrated - which i know you're not)...dude u shudnt care a rats ass about people who have nothing good to say...they arent worth listening to anyways - unless its constructive criticism.

Vishwas said...

Well there's no way the haters can ever get to me! They'll trick themselves if they think they are saying to themselves woohoo we got him! I'm only having a good laugh here all by myself!!