Saturday, August 8, 2009

An angel led astray.

How she wished
She could stop this,
This madness.
The tears swell
And stream down her feminine jaws.
Fill her tender cherubic heart.
The words slash
His weak heart.
With no regret
Shown on her tender face.
He cried.
Begged for mercy.
The demon in her
Stifles the love
Out of her.
His love for her
Offered no shield.
Against the evil
In her.
Her eyes fill
With rage.
And anger.
Her inner sanctum
By the demon
She couldn't avoid.
The lover's heart
Beat one last time.
The life slipped away
From his gripped palms
He held in prayer.


Vishwas said...


Thanks for the feed back!

Well its about a friend who has decided to sever communication for a trivial reason and despite repeated efforts in sorting out differences she's isn't yielding! Lol So its about her!

And where on earth is your blog! I'm still waiting here for you to upload it! :P


Vishwas said...


Well, I'm sure no one wants to do terrible things in the first place! True! Well I honestly tried to mend bridges but people these days are very disconnected and don't trust that easily. Sigh :(

Just you blog I say! We, the people, [!] will be the judge of how much is too much! :D Chop chop!
