Sunday, July 12, 2009

Shutter bug

Ok for a few years I'd been very interested in photography. Only I was too lazy to take the next step. But finally this year I bought myself a Canon 40D DSLR camera after a lot research, confusion and deliberation. I'm totally in love with the camera. No complaints so far about the camera. I've been travelling a bit as well lately. Now I really think I should take it up a bit more seriously and invest some more money, ok fine lots of money into buy good useful equipment. I hope I get the dividends so enough. I prefer dividends in cash :P I will soon be updating all the pictures I've taken so far. Oh and this is the new photoblog:


S.S. said...

wow dude! You got a DSLR? btw, is canon better than nikon?

I will get it someday too, I have to wait. No money lol, my parents won't fund me regarding this :)


Vishwas said...

Hi Chiya

Yeah I do! :-) Well it all boils down to personal choice. I always liked Canon. Nikon isn't all that bad either!

Yeah you will be able to buy your own DSLR! I too waited 24 years for my first DSLR! :P


Vishwas said...


I'm sorry you had to go through the mental torture because you couldn't access my blog :-) My bad!

And thank you so much for the compliments and glad you like them pictures! At least someone likes my pictures after all! Ha ha ha


Vishwas said...


I've never been flattered by anyone! Thanks so much for the appreciation! At least someone likes what I do! Lol Hahaha I'm just a tiny bud/embryo in the world of photography! Lol Anyway thanks once again!


Ketan said...

Hi Vishwas!

Even I'd noticed you'd privatized your blog! I thought you'd delete it! And also, your email isn't displayed. But glad, you and your blog are back and apparently intact! ;)

I've gone through MANY of your pics. Though viewed them through my cell phone, I was very, very, very impressed with them. Especially, the landscapes, and the ones where you'd decreased the shutter speed, I suppose (on the roads).

And yes, I've never flattered you, and never will. I won't give you the total credit for your photography. :P Afterall, you seem to be visiting such picturesque places, man!

But awesome work! Keep it up! And maybe, you'd do good to make a better organized picture blog out of it.


Vishwas said...


I'm sorry,again, I put you through so much torture! :P

And how rude! You better flatter me! :D I'm beginning to like that feeling of horns growing out of my skull! Lol

Yeah I will soon try to find a good template for the photoblog!


Vishwas said...


Damn! I felt like Salman Rushdie, at least for a night and then you pour cold water on my head! *crestfallen* Lol

Yeah well I have a lot of things on my mind that I want to blog, but I got a part time job recently so I'm finding it increasingly difficult to blog when I have some free time because I'm so tired! Lol

Anyway I will be taking a holiday soon, so I will come up with what I have on my mind!

Thanks for the sarcasm though! Its my second language with people I know! :P I try to avoid it with people I don't know because 9 out of 10 times they get offended so I stopped being sarcastic with unknown people! Lol


Vishwas said...


Ha ha ha you have a valid point there! Yeah you did the right thing by stopping right there! Damn Americans! :P
