Friday, March 13, 2009

Bitter sweet symphony

The air outside is cold. I'm torn. Cornered. Caged. Life is tough. I'm in a place with noone I love anywhere near me. I'm far away from what I always wanted. I've lost things I had and always dreamt of. How I wish I could just go back in time and change things I wish never happened. I feel morose and sullen sometimes. Its hard to live away from someone you love with the whole of your heart. Its harder to never be loved in return. Its hardest to lose that one person you love the most. But Life sure is beautiful despite all the pain and agony one has to go through. The world we see is bigger in our heart than on google maps. You can find out the distance between two places on earth. But you can never measure the love you have for someone. Its bigger than anything. Living far away, inching close to your dream, feeling closer to your loved ones a million miles away is an experience of a life time. Sometimes it just dampens your spirit. And sometimes it makes you do wonders. Love. Love is a strong drug. In my heart, deep down, I truly am grateful to everything life has offered and taken away and will hold secret. Its overwhelming. In the end, you just have to move on. That's the sad bit. The sadder bit is never being able to do so. You surrender yourself to destiny. Hoping to find happiness somewhere, somehow. I do wish every soul on earth, finds his match.


tropical seagull said...

find someone there man! get yourself a friend group man. hang around somewhere... everyone's lonely.

Vishwas said...

Hanging out,finding friends isn't a tall order at all. I do and I have made friends. It only provides momentary relief.

Vishwas said...

Hey aparna! Thanks for the comments! Well perhaps I was part of the telepathic conversation I guess! Lol

Material Girl said...
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Material Girl said...

Life goes on?

Well funny, but this is how I felt a few days before, in the quiet realization that I've strayed so far away from what made my dreams.

And Sharath is right, I guess. Everyone's lonely. Don't wallow in it.

*Good natured hugs* :)


Vishwas said...

Hi mommy! Lol sounds corny! Yes you are right! Thanks for the comments!

*platonic kiss*